How would you like to own and operate a venue exclusively for barn weddings? This can be a fun and exciting business on so many levels. If you have a romantic heart and a passion for beautiful weddings, you will have the drive necessary to make this a successful business venture.
Of course, running a barn wedding business can be challenging if you don’t know much about event planning. Getting people to attend the wedding isn’t even the most difficult part of the business. Instead, the challenge is managing the activities that go into planning the wedding. That is what can make or break your business.
Here are the top considerations before deciding on whether to start a barn wedding business:
Do you own a property with a barn on it? Obviously, this will be the most critical part of starting a barn wedding business because you need an attractive venue for your clients’ weddings. Otherwise, they won’t want to get married at your venue.
Real estate is all about location, especially when running a business. It is not good enough to own a property with a barn on it if that property is in an undesirable area, like next to a nuclear power plant. You have to think about the surrounding environment too.
Therefore, try to secure a large property in an area with fantastic views surrounding it. Perhaps it could be a large field in front of a river or a series of mountains. And, of course, the building itself must be beautiful too. Just make sure it is large enough to hold lots of people for the wedding ceremony and the partying that will go on afterward.
Have fun with the outdoor additions to the wedding venue. Maybe you could add a makeshift outdoor bar or large gazebo for guests to get refreshments and sit down. The fancier the venue looks, the more clients it will attract.
A wedding venue on a barn property can have a mixture of rustic and modern décor. For instance, you can have plenty of wooden fixtures, but make sure they’re painted and varnished to preserve their aesthetics and durability. You could also add modern sound systems and music equipment to create a more festive environment during the wedding reception.
Another idea is to add a vibrant carpet and banners to a room with a rustic color scheme. Just get creative.
People may have big or small weddings. So, make sure your venue can accommodate more than 200 guests.
Aside from having a large property, you’ll need plenty of employees and staff members to tend to your client’s guests. These staff members may include caterers, bartenders, waiters, waitresses, trash collectors, etc.
Preparing and serving food and beverages will be the primary tasks of your staff members. And if there are technical issues with any of the appliances or equipment, you’ll need staff members who are technologically savvy and can address those problems quickly.
You’ll need to assign a general manager to lead the other staff members and coordinate their actions with the guests. This will be the most crucial job position, so choose someone reliable for it.
Don’t be afraid to spend more money on hiring professional staff members. Your clients will have a good impression of your business practices if your staff members do a good job. Then you can expect repeat business and referrals from your clients in the future.
The success of your barn wedding business depends on the happiness of your clients. Unfortunately, dealing with clients may not always be easy because they want to be right about everything. However, since they are paying customers of your business, you need to do whatever it takes to make them happy.
The bride and groom are usually the ones who will hire you. Therefore, you must go the extra mile to make them happy by creating a picturesque wedding environment and fulfilling all their preferences and requirements.
For instance, if the groom doesn’t want alcohol served to guests who look intoxicated, you must abide by their wishes. If the bride wants to update the seating plans the day before the wedding, you must work quickly to make their request come true. You might feel upset or annoyed by their sudden request, but you must contain your feelings and focus on making the client happy.
Any type of event management business can be challenging. But, on the other hand, it can be pretty profitable if you execute your business plan properly.
You don’t necessarily need a barn wedding venue for your event management business, but it could be very lucrative for someone who can secure the right real estate. In the end, you can turn any beautiful piece of property into a wedding or event venue.